- 4
Android Kotlin Version Issue
#55 opened by vinay-jaiswal-g10x - 7
Execution failed for task ':flutter_jailbreak_detection:compileDebugKotlin'. > 'compileDebugJavaWithJavac' task (current target is 1.8) and 'compileDebugKotlin' task (current target is 17) jvm target compatibility should be set to the same Java version.
#68 opened by sniperxenocide - 0
- 3
- 0
Developer mood true in release build
#67 opened by UmerTaptap - 0
Disable log of RootBeer
#66 opened by DIG- - 3
Problematic License of iOSSecuritySuite
#61 opened by matecode - 3
- 0
ios not detect dev mode
#57 opened by nattawutxp - 0
- 9
- 4
- 4
Jailbreak detection bypass with liberty lite
#27 opened by AhmedAdel94 - 0
isDevMode() method bug
#52 opened by vasil-boshnyakov - 0
Getting binary absent logs
#51 opened by scoobhidu - 0
Not working in latest version
#50 opened by JemsApps21 - 0
Required links
#49 opened by emanuelzallikodelabs - 2
App crashing in rooted real device while trying to check Device is rooted or not.
#46 opened by Zaveri21 - 6
M1 snippet [Feature]
#11 opened by oscarshaitan - 2
- 0
Does this plugin will try to access the IMEI, MEID and serial number on android platform?
#43 opened by LongXiangGuo - 0
Disable logging from RootBeer
#41 opened by barrettpyke - 2
False positive on OnePlus. Running on Android 10.
#22 opened by saigkl - 0
ViperOS is considered a root?
#37 opened by LuisGustav0 - 1
No implementation found for method jailbroken on channel flutter_jailbreak_detection on emulator android 30
#38 opened by Kalyanb447-github - 1
Cannot build apk
#36 opened by AzzimFarid69 - 1
Detect jailbreak was wrong on mac M1
#24 opened by hcminh - 1
Is this package still maintained?
#26 opened by sejun2 - 7
Upgrade kotlin version
#29 opened by frankenten13 - 2
Can we get a package release?
#33 opened by tim-eucalyptus - 2
jcenter to mavenCentral
#21 opened by karvulf - 4
- 1
Jailbreak detection bypass with Frida, Magisk DenyList and Liberty Lite tools
#34 opened by PrabhuMoorthy - 1
- 4
Error in IOS
#23 opened by neroaCu - 1
- 3
fatal error: 'flutter_jailbreak_detection/flutter_jailbreak_detection-Swift.h' file not found
#15 opened by ducvu212 - 1
Need to upgrade Android embedding to V2
#14 opened by daveols - 1
The plugin `flutter_jailbreak_detection` uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding.
#18 opened by adispatil - 1
How to detect real device or emulator?
#9 opened by SAGARSURI - 2
Vulnerable Version of Kotlin
#6 opened by kmoorejr9 - 0
Support null safety flutter 2.0
#7 opened by khaledeltarabily - 3
returns true even though the rooting app is only installed but the phone is not actually rooted.
#4 opened by abhidiwakar