This class brought to you so you can use php and poppler-utils convert your pdf files to html file
- Poppler-Utils (if you are using Ubuntu Distro, just install it from apt )
sudo apt-get install poppler-utils
Here is the sample.
// if you are using composer, just use this
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
// if not, use this
include 'src/Gufy/PdfToHtml.php';
// initiate
$pdf = new \Gufy\PdfToHtml;
// opening file
// set different output directory for generated html files
// do this if you want to convert in the same directory as file.pdf
// you think your generated files is annoying? simple do this to remove the whole files
Of course i need feedback to improve this library. Just send an issue, or contribute by pull a request to this repository. Thanks