
Scripts to install Kubernetes on Hetzner Cloud using Talos Linux

Primary LanguageShell

Talos Kubernetes Rancher Hetzner

Scripts to install Kubernetes on Hetzner Cloud using Talos Linux



  • A local console, for example iTerm or SSH to a Linux shell
  • Either:
    • macOS with Homebrew,
    • A Debian Linux variant like Ubuntu or
    • Install tools checked on the bottom of 0_tools.sh manually
  • An Hetzner account
  • In the Hetzner Cloud Console create a Project
  • In the Project create an API token using Security (left sidebar) => API tokens
    • Description: CLI (doesn't matter)
    • Permissions: Read & Write
    • Save the token in a safe place, it will be asked later with prompt Token:


Clone project

Clone this project and go to the directory

git  clone  https://github.com/jeroenvermeulen/hetzner-talos-k8s-rancher.git
cd  hetzner-talos-k8s-rancher

Create config

Copy the example config and update it in your favorite editor

cp  CONFIG.sh.example  CONFIG.sh
nano  CONFIG.sh

Make sure you update at least RANCHER_HOSTNAME

Execute scripts one by one

Install and check required CLI tools


Create a disk image at Hetzner containing Talos Linux


Start the Kubernetes cluster


Install Traefik ingress and Cert-Manager Letsencrypt


Install Rancher


If everything works well the last script will display the Rancher URL.

Debug Commands

Set the context for hcloud, talosctl and kubectl:

source ./env.sh

Get cluster members

talosctl get members

Check state of services:

talosctl services --nodes

Check logs of a service:

talosctl logs etcd --nodes

If the loadbalancer is not working correctly you can add --endpoint with the node IP to connect to port 50000 (Talos API) of the node directly instead of through the loadbalancer.