
Notes on how to get everything running with kubernetes

Setup single machine 'cluster'

Install kubeadm

Setup is easy, follow: http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/kubeadm/

Be sure to take step 3 (allow pods to be scheduled on the master)


To autostart kubernetes after reboot add this systemd file to /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service


ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes/manifests
ExecStart=/usr/bin/kubelet \
  --api-servers= \
  --allow-privileged=true \
  --config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests \


Change kubeapi port

NOTE in the new Kubernetes (1.4.4) this is set to 6443

The default port for the master is 443. But since we setup a single machine we want to use 443 to route to a ingress nginx controller. So we change the port to 8443

Change this in

  • /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
  • /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf
  • /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.json

then restart kubernetes (reboot for example)

Access cluster from outside

create external user

on the cluster create a user:

kubectl create sa jenkins
kubectl get secret
kubectl describe secret jenkins-token-qqzod
  • note down the token
  • and fetch the ca from /etc/kubernetes/ssl/ca.crt or (since 1.4.x) fetch the ca from /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.pem

set kubectl config

On your CI / local machine install kubectl:

apt-get install -y kubectl

see setup above. Then add your context. Insert token, ca.crt location and the ip of the cluster. (note that this config is already expecting the port on the cluster to run on a not default port 8443 - usually it would be 443)

kubectl config set-context default-context --cluster=chronos --user=jenkins
kubectl config set-credentials jenkins --token=ABCDACBD11121....andtherestofyourtoken
kubectl config set-cluster chronos --server=https://ip:8443 --certificate-authority=/path/to/ca.crt 
kubectl config set-context default-context --cluster=chronos --user=jenkins
kubectl config use-context default-context
kubectl config set contexts.default-context.namespace default
kubectl config view

Note: if you want to setup Jenkins you will need a different location for this config. For example on the master it could be: /var/lib/jenkins/.kube

disable authorization

See http://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/authorization/

Decided for now to disable authorization. On the cluster edit this file:

vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.json

and add:


in the command. The container will automatically restart

Now you should be able to access the cluster from another machine on the network.


To test in your browser use this proxy :

kubectl proxy

this proxies the https connection via local kube/config user to the cluster.

Add nginx ingress

yaml files based on these examples: https://github.com/jetstack/kube-lego/tree/master/examples/nginx


setup default backend and nginx ingress run:

kubectl apply -f nginx-namespace.yaml

kubectl apply -f default-http-backend-svc.yaml
kubectl apply -f default-http-backend-deployment.yaml

kubectl apply -f nginx-configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f nginx-svc.yaml
kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml

now everything that hits port 80 will get a

default backend - 404

enable lego auto-letsencrypt

kubectl apply -f lego/configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f lego/deployment.yaml


we are using the ssl-redirect annotation in the ingress ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: true

each ingress needs to have these annotation IN THIS ORDER

kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"
kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"

as shown here: https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/blob/master/ingress/controllers/nginx/configuration.md

forgetting to include a secret name will prompt kube-lego to retry, and retry, etc until you are rate-limited an can try again in a weeks time.