
Ruby wrapper around the CareerBuilder.com APIs

Primary LanguageRuby

First things first. You're going to need to get a developer key from Careerbuilder. You can obtain a key at http://api.careerbuilder.com/RequestDevKey.aspx.

Now that you have a key, lets get to the good stuff.

You can find an example rails site that uses the gem here: https://github.com/cbdr/ruby-cb-api-demo


Install required gems:

gem install iconv
gem install cb-api

Require the library in your Ruby script:

require 'cb'


Set your dev key, and any other configuration settings in a place that will run prior to your API calls.

Cb.configure do |config|
  config.dev_key  	= 'your-dev-key-goes-here'
  config.time_out 	= 5

Available Endpoints


Job Search

There's a couple ways to go about conducting a job search.

Option 1:

search = Cb.job_search_criteria.location('Atlanta, GA').radius(10).search()

Option 2:

crit = Cb.job_search_criteria
crit.location = 'Atlanta, GA'
crit.radius = 10
search = crit.search()

Either way, you will get back an array of CbJob.

search.each do |job|
  puts job.title
  puts job.company_name
  puts job.instance_variables

You will also get meta data regarding the search itself (helpful for pagination).

puts search.cb_response.total_pages
puts search.cb_response.total_count
puts search.cb_response.errors # Hopefully this is nil! If it's not nil, it will be an array of error messages.

Coming Soon

The way that requests are handled is being completely redone. You will now only need to instantiate a single client class and pass it a request object.

You may now pass a block that will be executed before and after each API call. This will provide the same information that the Observer methods do.

client = Cb::Client.new { |request_metadata| storage_device.add(request_metadata) }

Or just call it without the block if you don't care about an individual call's observer info

client = Cb::Client.new

Pass it a request object, and you will receive the appropriate response object back

request = Cb::Requests::Endpoint::CallName.new( { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' } )
response = client.execute request

Currently, this workflow only works on the following endpoints:

  • Anonymous Saved Search
  • Application
  • Application External
  • Category
  • Education
  • Company
  • User

Look here for future updates on this refactor!