DX tool to test react-native components with defined props/state fixtures.
This project brings the "cosmos for React" idea from @skidding into the react-native universe.
Watch this youtube videos for a quick introduction.
npm install --save react-native-cosmos
import { EditableComponent } from 'react-native-cosmos';
<EditableComponent component={ YourComponent } fixture={{
propKey: "propValue",
state: {
stateKey: "stateValue"
}} />
The current implementation contains a single editable component (see above).
- Extend documentation how to import this into a react-native project.
- Serialize also child props and state???
- Show a ListView of components and components fixtures???
- Add an option to add documentation to make this a living styleguide???
Christoph Jerolimov, @jerolimov
Ideas, discussions and contributions are welcome: Just open a new issue
This project is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.