
A php framework based on expressJs api

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A php framework with dependency injection


use express\express;

//Create the application called app and load core dependency
$app = express::module('app', ['core']);

//Register a new service factory function
$app->service('service1', function () {
    return "Service 1";

//All the function registred with config will be called automaticly with injected dependency
$app->config(function ($service1) {
    echo "CONFIG with $service1\n";

//All the function register with run will be called after all the config callback.
$app->run(function ($testor, $service1) {
    $v = $testor($service1, new Exception("Ooops"))->isString()->isNotEmpty()->getValue();
    echo "RUN with $v";

//This line is the execution entry point it MUST be called after everything else is set.