Real World Ruby apps and their open source codebases for developers to learn from
You'll find the source code in the apps/
subdirectory. These apps
- Executable via the command line
- Not based on any framework (see other repos for Rails, Sinatra, etc.)
Thank you to every developer who has worked on a project this repo links to, your work is helping developers learn Ruby.
# Clone this git repo:
git clone
cd real-world-ruby-apps/
# The apps are linked to as git submodules.
# This will take some time...
git submodule update --init --single-branch --jobs 4
- Real World Rails
- Real World Sinatra
- Real World RSpec
- Real World Django
- Real World Phoenix
- Know any others? Please open a PR and add the link here
- The majority of the codebase should not be based on any framework, like Rails or Sinatra. There are dedicated Real World repos for these.
- The vast majority of the codebase should be written in Ruby.
- The main app should be executable via a binary.
- The app should be somewhat popular, in order to limit the apps in this repo to a manageable amount. There is some leeway in what constitutes a popular app. A possible indicator can be GitHub stars compared to similar apps.
Don't hesitate to submit a pull request if you meet the criteria!
Given a GitHub repo for an app githubuser/foo
# Inside the project root:
# Replace <DEFAULT_BRANCH> with correct branch (probably 'main').
git submodule add -b <DEFAULT_BRANCH> apps/foo
The apps in apps/
are git submodules. Git submodules are locked to a revision
and don't stay in sync with the latest revision.
To update the revisions, run:
# This will take some time:
git submodule update --remote --single-branch --jobs 4
- Jerome Dalbert
- Contributions are welcome, fork the GitHub repo, make your changes, then submit your pull request! Reach out if you'd like some help.