Basic Docker image to run Tomcat and Java applications, based on Debian Jessie. This image is patched with Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.


Some indications:

  • Tomcat installation directory is /opt/tomcat ($TOMCAT_HOME/$CATALINA_HOME). Executable scripts are found in directory $TOMCAT_HOME/bin and the application base (appBase) directory is $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps.
  • The path of file catalina.out is managed by the variable $CATALINA_OUT, and its value by default is /dev/null (disabled).
  • Apache logs are written into directory /logs/.

Use the image directly, and copy the .war files directly into the appBase directory. For example:

docker run -it --rm docker-debian-oracle-java8-tomcat8 /opt/tomcat/bin/ run
docker cp ./sample.war tomcat-ci:/opt/tomcat/webapps/sample.war


Two ports are exposed:

  • 8080: default Tomcat port.

  • 8009: default Tomcat debug port.

Remember to map the ports to the docker host on run.


Exports a volume on /opt/tomcat/webapps. You can mount the volume on run to a local directory containing your war file or exploded war directory. If you need the management app, remember to have a copy on your hosts volume mount point.

How to run the container

Using docker

You need docker v1.3+ installed. To get the container up and running, run:

sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8009:8009 -v /opt/tomcat/webapps:/opt/tomcat/webapps dordoka/tomcat

Remember to change /opt/tomcat/webapps to the directory where your app is stored.

Using docker compose

If you have docker-compose installed, you can just launch:

sudo docker-compose up

A warning regarding admin user for tomcat management console

Please note that the image contains a tomcat-users.xml file, including an admin user (password admin). For the time being, should you wish to change that, fork this repo and modify the xml file accordingly.