fully refactored, much shorter, much simpler, more powerfull. Handle multiple pointers like with multiple controller in a VR environment :)
threex.domevents is a three.js extension which provide dom events inside your 3d scene. Always in a effort to stay close to usual pratices, the events name are the same as in DOM. The semantic is the same too, which makes it all very easy to learn. Currently, the available events are click, dblclick, mouseup, mousedown, mouseover and mouse out.
- examples/basic.html [view source] : It shows a simple usage of
- examples/stereo.html [view source] : It demonstrate a stereo usage of it
You can install it via script tag
<script src='threex.domevents.js'></script>
Or you can install with bower, as you wish.
bower install threex.domevents
Let's start by bindinf dom events like on 3d objects.
First you need to instanciate the layer, like this.
var domEvents = new THREEx.DomEvents(camera, renderer.domElement)
Always in a effort to stay close to usual pratices, the events name are the same as in DOM. The semantic is the same too. Currently, the available events are click, dblclick, mouseup, mousedown, mouseover and mouse out. Then you bind an event on a mesh like this
domEvents.addEventListener(mesh, 'click', function(event){
console.log('you clicked on the mesh')
}, false)
You can remove an event listener too, here is the whole cycle
// define the callback
function callback(event){
console.log('you clicked on the mesh')
// add an event listener for this callback
domEvents.addEventListener(mesh, 'click', callback, false)
// remove an event listener for this callback
domEvents.removeEventListener(mesh, 'click', callback, false)
If the camera changes, you can use
to set the new one.
Now that you got the
This helper will linkify any object3d you got.
Here linkify is the fact to act as a <a>
tag would behave.
If you hover the mouse over it, the pointer is changed to become
an hand,
and you got
text decoration.
If you click on the object, it will open a new tab with the url your specified.
It is that simple.
var url = ''
var linkify = THREEx.Linkify(domEvents, mesh, url, true)
The parameters are
: an instance ofTHREEx.DomEvents
: an instance ofTHREE.Mesh
: a string of the urlwithBoundingBox
: true if you bind the bounding box and not the mesh itself. It may be useful when your mesh is complex. useful because it is faster to test for simple mesh, usefull as it make the detections less flacky for the users for complex meshes.
Additionnaly you can use linkify.destroy()
to stop listening on those events.
The exposed properties are
is the mesh for the underlinelinkify.eventTarget
is the model on which the domEvents are bound
- find a good demo
- test all events in the demo
- why not the usual teapots ones ?