
A Kubernetes controller for managing Pingdom checks

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Heimdallr manages external checks for endpoints in a Kuberneres cluster. It is based on Heptio Cruise but uses Custom Resource Definitions to define Pingdom checks instead of inferring them from Ingress objects.


  1. Deploy Heimdallr to your cluster:

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jeromefroe/heimdallr/master/deployment/heimdallr.yaml
  2. Create a secret with your Pingdom credentials:

    kubectl -n heimdallr create secret generic pingdom \
            --from-literal=PINGDOM_USERNAME=user@domain.com \
            --from-literal=PINGDOM_PASSWORD=password \
  3. Create a HTTP check for an endpoint (this will create a check for google.com):

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jeromefroe/heimdallr/master/deployment/check.yaml

That's it! Heimdallr will create a Pingdom HTTP check for the given endpoint.