
An example repository of how to use different tools to generate Protobuf code

Primary LanguageStarlark

Protobuf Generator

This repo contains examples of how to generate code from a Protobuf file using three different tools: Earthly, Dagger, and Bazel. The repo also looks at how each tool supports caching to speed up repeated invocations when the input files don't change.


To generate the protobuf code using earthly running the following command:

earthly +proto

Shared Cache

Earthly has the ability to share cache between different isolated CI runs and even with developers (documentation). It supports two different kinds of caching: inline and explicit. The two are similiar but the key difference between them is that inline caching relies on image uploads that are already being made. For this example, since we're just creating a local artifact. we need to use explicit caching.

Explicit Caching Example

Earthly provides a Compatibility matrix for major registry providers. In order to use GCP, we need to use Google Artifact Registry instead of Google Container Registry, since only the former can be used for explicit caching (there is an issue tracking support for GCR).

Before we can use Google Artifact Registry as the explicit cache, we need to first configure our Docker credentials:

gcloud auth configure-docker us-docker.pkg.dev

export REGISTRY=us-docker.pkg.dev/<GCP project>/<artifact registry>

To use the remote cache in read-only mode (typically used in PR builds or on a developer's computer):

earthly --remote-cache=$REGISTRY/my-repo:proto +proto

To use the remote cache in read-write mode (typically in master/main branch builds):

earthly --remote-cache=$REGISTRY/my-repo:proto --push +proto


Before we can generate the protobuf code using dagger we need to first initialize a project:

dagger project init
dagger project update

Once the project has been set up, we can use dagger to generate the protobuf code:

dagger do proto

Persistent Cache

Dagger supports importing and exporting its cache to a registry. Dagger, like Earthly, uses Buildkit under Buildkit under the hood and is therefore able to leverage Buildkit's caching functionality.


One can use the --cache-to and --cache-from flags to write and read from a persistent cache respectively:

dagger do proto \
  --cache-to type=registry,mode=max,ref=<registry target>/<image>
  --cache-from type=registry,ref=<registry target>/<image>


To generate protobuf code using Bazel, run the following command:

bazel build api_go_proto

Note that the generated code will be placed in the bazel-out directory as Bazel doesnt let you modify the state of your workspace (by design). This appears to make it difficult to integrate Bazel into a Go project just to generate Protobuf Go code. It's more of an all-or-nothing approach with Bazel it seems.

I used the documentation from the rules-proto-grpc repository to set up the WORKSPACE and BUILD files.

Remote Cache

Bazel also has support for using a remote cache. One can use the following flag to read from and write to the remote cache:

build --remote_cache=http://your.host:port