
Suggestion: Use green, not red, flashes on refreshes

Opened this issue · 7 comments

When I press APPLE-R to refresh / re-run a query, the Total Results: 139 (0.00s) line flashes red. I like the flash to indicate an update -- cool! -- but I'd like it to be a "positive" color. Red typically indicates failure. Would you be happy with green?

that's true! I will change that.


[master a3870bb] changing from red to green (except for remove) #44

Fixed in 2.5.3(97). I let you close this issue once you verified it.

Thanks. Question: I have 2.5.2, which it claims is the latest. (it is not auto-updating to 2.5.3).

I manually downloaded 2.5.3. The green updates looks nice. Thanks!

Either you can't wait because mongohub is so cool and you download it from or you wait like a day (I guess), until github purge its cache.