The capstone will build upon the knowledge you have gained in the course in order to build a decentralized housing product.
- Remix - Solidity IDE
- Visual Studio Code
- Truffle Framework
- Ganache - One Click Blockchain
- Open Zeppelin
- Interactive zero knowledge 3-colorability demonstration
- Docker
- ZoKrates
To test using truffles built in ganache, do the following:
cd eth-contracts
npm install
truffle develop
To test on the Rinkeby network you will need to create a .env file within the eth-contracts folder.
INFURA_KEY=<your infura key>
FROM_ADDRESS=<the address in your wallet that has ether>
MNEMONIC=<the mnemonic for your wallet>
NOTE: I was using the 2nd address in my wallet, so if you want to use a different one you will need to update the truffle-config.js line:
provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, `${infuraKey}`, 1),
from 1 to whatever your address position is (zero index is first).
Project Link:
Rinkeby contract address: 0x1FAD7E0821ACC768d9cE3881D09817d30aF2BA59 Rinkeby contract linke:
Contract ABIs:
- eth-contracts\build\contracts\RealEstateMarketplaceToken.json
- eth-contracts\build\contracts\SolnSquareVerifier.json
- eth-contracts\build\contracts\SquareVerifier.json
OpenSea MarketPlace Storefront link:
Previously had Docker Toolbox, but it seems it was out of date, the Oracle Virtual Box wouldn't even work. I discovered that the new Docker Desktop would work with WSL 2. I had to upgrade various things to get it working, but now it is working.
PS C:\Users\jerom> wsl -l -v NAME STATE VERSION
- docker-desktop Running 2 Ubuntu-20.04 Stopped 2 docker-desktop-data Running 2
Docker Desktop 4.1.1 (69879)
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1288]
docker run -v //c/users/jerom/source/Blockchain-Capstone/zokrates/code:/home/zokrates/code -ti zokrates/zokrates /bin/bash zokrates compile -i square.code zokrates setup zokrates compute-witness -a 5 25 zokrates generate-proof zokrates export-verifier