
Oxalis - PEPPOL Access Point open source implementation

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status

This repository contains the PEPPOL Access Point, named Oxalis, which was originally developed by SendRegning and now looked after by the Norwegian agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi).

The Oxalis solution is an enhancement of the PEPPOL Sample Implementation and can be used used as a complete standalone PEPPOL solution or as an API component from your own code.

Out of the box it persists raw transfer statistics to a database and inbound messages to a filesystem. Persistence have been modularized so you can provide your own implementation if you need to send inbound messages to a message queue, a workflow engine, a document archive or others.

It comes with a basic command line tool for sending messages (oxalis-standalone), which should NOT be used for production purposes.

Outbound raw statistics are persisted to the database.

Binary distributions are available at Difi.

Newest version is Oxalis 4.x

  • Support for MySQL, MS-Sql and Oracle for raw statistics (oxalis.jdbc.dialect property)
  • Support for new EHF and BIS formats based on UBL (OIOUBL, NESUBL, Svefaktura etc)
  • Inbound persistence stores transport metadata as JSON file
  • Inbound persistence stores full payload as XML file (whole SBDH for AS2)
  • Fixed potential issues communicating with "POODLE" patched servers
  • Support for START and all the horrible SOAP libraries has been removed.
  • Supports the latest PEPPOL Security features, i.e. message digest of original payload provided in the MDN.

Oxalis components

Component Type Description
oxalis-inbound war inbound access point implementation which runs on Tomcat (1)
oxalis-outbound jar outbound component for sending PEPPOL business documents (2)
oxalis-standalone main command line application for sending PEPPOL business documents (3)

(1) Receives messages using AS2 protocol and stores them in the filesystem as default.

(2) Can be incorporated into any system which needs to send PEPPOL documents.

(3) Serves as example code on how to send a business documents using the oxalis-outbound component.


  • make sure Tomcat 7 is installed
  • make sure MySQL 5.6 is installed (the free version is named MySQL Community Server)
  • make sure that Tomcat is up and running and that manager is available with user manager/manager
  • make sure that Tomcat is also up and running on SSL at localhost:443 (unless you terminate SSL in front of Tomcat)
  • make sure that ''your'' keystore.jks is installed in a known directory (separate instructions for constructing the keystore)
  • Create an OXALIS_HOME directory and edit the file oxalis-global.properties
  • Add OXALIS_HOME environment variable to reference that directory
  • Build Oxalis yourself (see below) or download the binary artifacts provided by Difi
  • Deploy oxalis.war to your Tomcat webapps directory
  • Send a sample invoice; modify example.sh to your liking and execute it.
  • See the installation guide for more additional details.
  • To install or replace the PEPPOL certificate, see the keystore document.
  • If you need to modify any of the source code, you are advised to read the Oxalis developer notes


  • Sending failed ... Received fatal alert: handshake_failure happens when Oxalis cannot establish HTTPS connection with the remote server. Usually because destination AccessPoint has "poodle patched" their HTTPS server. Oxalis v3.1.0 contains fixes for this, so you need to upgrade. See the OxalisCommunity#197 for more info.

  • Provider net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl not found might be an XSLT implementation conflice between Oxalis and the VEFA validator. VEFA needs XSLT 2.0 and explicitly set Saxon 9 as the transformer engine to the JVM. Since Saxon 9 is not used and included with Oxalis you'll end up with that error on the Oxalis side. To get rid of the error make sure you run Oxalis and VEFA in separate Tomcats/JVM processes.

  • ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed is probably because the receivers SSL certificate does not contain the correct certificate chain. The AS2 implementation needs to validate the SSL certificate chain and any intermediate certificates needs to be present. See the OxalisCommunity#173 for more info.

  • Internal error occured: null when receiving might be due to a bug in some Apache Tomcat versions. The full error message logged is ERROR [eu.peppol.inbound.server.AS2Servlet] [] Internal error occured: null followed by a stack trace with java.lang.NullPointerException: null. To resolve this upgrade Tomcat to a newer version, take a look at OxalisCommunity#179 for more details.

Build from source

Note that the Oxalis "head" revision on master branch is often in "flux" and should be considered a "nightly build". The official releases are tagged and may be downloaded by clicking on Tags.

  • make sure Maven 3 is installed
  • make sure JDK 8 is installed (the version we have tested with)
  • pull the version of interest from GitHub.
  • from oxalis root directory run : mvn clean install
  • verify that everything is configured : mvn clean install -Pit-test (runs the integration tests, which requires certificates to be installed)
  • locate assembled artifacts in oxalis-distribution/target/oxalis-distribution-<version.number>-distro/ (after integration tests)

Miscellaneous notes:

  • In oxalis-standalone/src/main/bash you will find some shell scripts :
    • fetch-metatdata.sh is a freestanding SML + SMP lookup utility (example usage ./fetch-metadata.sh 9908:810017902)
    • keystore.sh contains example commands for constructing keystores and truststores.
    • smp.sh simple SMP lookup for a given participant id (example usage ./smp.sh -p 9908:810017902 -g)

Securing Oxalis

By default Oxalis publish the web addresss listed in the table below.
The table describes their use and give some hints on how to secure those addresses.
A pretty standard scenario is to use some kind load balancer and SSL offloader in front of the appserver running Oxalis.
This could be open / free software like Nginx and Apache or commercial software like NetScaler and BigIP.
All such front end software should be able to enforce security like the one suggested below.

URL Function Transport Security
oxalis/as2 AS2 protocol endpoint HTTPS with proper certificates Enable inbound access from Internet
oxalis/status Status information, for internal use and debugging HTTP/HTTPS Internet access can be blocked
oxalis/statistics RAW statistics for DIFI HTTPS with proper certificates Used by DIFI to collect statistics