
A website where users can post, view, update and delete articles. Also, users can post and update their profile picture including the registration info.

Primary LanguageJava


A website where users can post, view, update and delete articles. Also, users can post and update their profile picture including the registeration info. In Addition, users can give feedback on a post by liking or disliking a post and users can give feedback or report issues directly to the admin.

Technologies Used

HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Java, JSTL, Servlet and JSP


JDK 1.8, ODBC-JDBC Driver, GlassFish Server 4.1.1, Java mail Api 1.6.2, dsn.jar 1.6.2, smtp.jar 1.6.2, activation.jar, pop3.jar 1.6.2, logging-mailhandler.jar 1.6.2, gimap.jar 1.6.2, imap.jar 1.6.2, Font-awesome


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