
Parses public metadata on SoundCloud tracks/playlists and lets you download them.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


SoundCloudExplode is a library that provides an interface to query metadata of SoundCloud tracks and playlists, as well as to resolve and download streams.



  • 📦 NuGet: dotnet add package SoundCloudExplode (main package)


SoundCloudExplode exposes its functionality through a single entry point — the SoundCloudClient class. Create an instance of this class and use the provided operations to send requests.


Retrieving track metadata

To retrieve the metadata associated with a Soundcloud track, call Tracks.GetAsync(...):

using SoundCloudExplode;

var soundcloud = new SoundCloudClient();

var track = await soundcloud.Tracks.GetAsync("https://soundcloud.com/purityy79/dororo-op-piano-sheet-in-description");

var title = track.Title;
var duration = track.Duration;


Retrieving playlist metadata

You can get the metadata associated with a Soundcloud playlist by calling Playlists.GetAsync(...) method:

using SoundCloudExplode;

var soundcloud = new SoundCloudClient();

// Get a playlist basic information
var playlist = await soundcloud.Playlists.GetAsync(

// Or get playlist and load all related tracks at the same time
var playlist = await soundcloud.Playlists.GetAsync(

var title = playlist.Title;
var artworkUrl = playlist.ArtworkUrl;
var tracks = playlist.Tracks;

Getting tracks included in a playlist

To get the tracks included in a playlist, call Playlists.GetTracksAsync(...):

using SoundCloudExplode;
using SoundCloudExplode.Common;

var soundcloud = new SoundCloudClient();
var playlistUrl = "https://soundcloud.com/tommy-enjoy/sets/aimer";

// Get all playlist tracks
var tracks = await soundcloud.Playlists.GetTracksAsync(playlistUrl);

// Get only the first 20 playlist tracks
var tracksSubset = await soundcloud.Playlists.GetTracksAsync(playlistUrl).CollectAsync(20);

// Get only the first 20 playlist tracks (by setting a limit)
var tracksSubset = await soundcloud.Playlists.GetTracksAsync(playlistUrl, limit: 20);

// Setting offset
var tracksSubset = await soundcloud.Playlists.GetTracksAsync(
    offset: 10,
    limit: 5

You can also enumerate the tracks iteratively without waiting for the whole list to load:

using SoundCloudExplode;

var soundcloud = new SoundCloudClient();
var playlistUrl = "https://soundcloud.com/tommy-enjoy/sets/aimer";

await foreach (var track in soundcloud.Playlists.GetTracksAsync(playlistUrl))
    var title = track.Title;
    var duration = track.Duration;

If you need precise control over how many requests you send to SoundCloud, use Playlists.GetTrackBatchesAsync(...) which returns tracks wrapped in batches:

using SoundCloudExplode;

var soundcloud = new SoundCloudClient();
var playlistUrl = "https://soundcloud.com/tommy-enjoy/sets/aimer";

// Each batch corresponds to one request
await foreach (var batch in soundcloud.Playlists.GetTrackBatchesAsync(playlistUrl))
    foreach (var track in batch.Items)
        var title = track.Title;
        var duration = track.Duration;


Note: Use the same method as retrieving playlists to get albums because they are the same.


You can execute a search query and get its results by calling Search.GetResultsAsync(...). Each result may represent either a track, a playlist, an album, or a user, so you need to apply pattern matching to handle the corresponding cases:

using SoundCloudExplode;
using SoundCloudExplode.Common;

var soundcloud = new SoundCloudClient();

await foreach (var result in soundcloud.Search.GetResultsAsync("banda neira"))
    // Use pattern matching to handle different results (tracks, playlists, users)
    switch (result)
        case TrackSearchResult track:
                var id = track.Id;
                var title = track.Title;
                var duration = track.Duration;
        // NOTE: Soundcloud handles playlist and albums the same way.
        case PlaylistSearchResult playlist:
                var id = playlist.Id;
                var title = playlist.Title;
        case UserSearchResult user:
                var id = user.Id;
                var title = user.Title;
                var userName = user.Username;
                var fullName = user.FullName;

To limit the results to a specific type, use Search.GetTracksAsync(...), Search.GetPlaylistsAsync(...), or Search.GetUsersAsync(...)

using SoundCloudExplode;
using SoundCloudExplode.Common;

var soundcloud = new SoundCloudClient();

var tracks = await soundcloud.Search.GetTracksAsync("banda neira");
var playlists = await soundcloud.Search.GetPlaylistsAsync("banda neira");
var users = await soundcloud.Search.GetUsersAsync("banda neira");

Downloading tracks

using System;
using System.IO;
using SoundCloudExplode;

var soundcloud = new SoundCloudClient();

var track = await soundcloud.Tracks.GetAsync("https://soundcloud.com/purityy79/dororo-op-piano-sheet-in-description");

var trackName = string.Join("_", track.Title.Split(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()));

await soundcloud.DownloadAsync(track, $@"{Environment.CurrentDirectory}\Download\{trackName}.mp3");

You can request the download url for a particular track by calling Tracks.GetDownloadUrlAsync(...):

using SoundCloudExplode;

var soundcloud = new SoundCloudClient();

var track = await soundcloud.Tracks.GetAsync("https://soundcloud.com/purityy79/dororo-op-piano-sheet-in-description");

var downloadUrl = await soundcloud.Tracks.GetDownloadUrlAsync(track);