Data Structure (2018 Fall) Homework Week 1: Warm Up Compare two strings Create list with two linked nodes Week 2: Recursion and Iteration Ackerman's number Square root with Newton's method Iterative Fibinacci series Week 3: Stack Stack basics Mouse maze Week 4: Queue Prefix expression evaluation Telephone system simulation Week 5: Linked List Create linked list Add and substract polynomials Add two integer lists Stock data processor Week 6: Binary Tree Huffman algorithm Week 7: Binary Search Tree (BST) BST basics Threaded binary tree Week 8 and 9: Heap Analyze efficiency of reheap up and reheap down Week 10: B-tree No programming assignment Week 11: Graph Minimum spanning tree of a graph Dijkstra's algorithm Week 12: Sorting Quicksort Merge sort Week 13: Hashing Inventory list Materials Basic Concepts Recursion Stacks Queues General Linear Lists Introduction to Trees Binary Search Trees AVL Search Trees Heap Multiway Tree Graphs Sorting Searching