
# My Arch Linux Configuration Files (Dotfiles) Hosting my dotfiles for terminal, Vim, Git, and more. Ensuring an efficient workflow across machines.

Primary LanguageLua



Welcome to the "dotfiles" repository! Here you'll find my collection of carefully crafted dot configuration files to optimize the development experience in various environments. These dotfiles are a fundamental part of my workflow, helping me maintain consistent settings across all the machines I use.

Why Use Dotfiles?

Dot configuration files, such as .bashrc, .vimrc, .gitconfig, and others, are a powerful way to customize and enhance the development environment. They allow you to define shortcuts, personalize the appearance of tools like Vim and Tmux, configure Git preferences, and much more. Using dotfiles can save time and effort, ensuring your settings are always available regardless of the machine you're using.

Getting Started

To start using my dotfiles, follow the steps below:

Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/jerryaugusto/dotfiles.git

Navigate to the repository directory:

cd dotfiles

Explore the available dot configuration files and feel free to review, customize, or add new files as needed. Install GNU Stow, a symlink farm manager (Arch example):

paru -S stow
stow .

Add other symbolic links as needed

Restart or open a new terminal for the changes to take effect. Customization Feel free to customize any configuration file to fit your development style. Each file is adequately commented to facilitate understanding and adaptation.

Contributions If you find any improvements to be made or have suggestions for new configurations, please feel free to open a pull request. Contributions are always welcome!

Disclaimer This repository contains my personal configurations that suit my specific workflow. I recommend reviewing the files carefully before using them in your own environment to ensure they meet your needs and do not conflict with your existing configurations.

Contact If you have any questions or wish to get in touch, you can find me on Twitter @jerryaugustod.

Enjoy the dotfiles and may they bring greater efficiency to your development process!