
A Node.js wrapper around the Slack Webhook API.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

A simple, flexible Node.js wrapper around the Slack webhook API. Makes it easy to send notifications to Slack from your application.


npm install slack-notify


// Require module:

var MY_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL = 'https://myaccountname.slack.com/services/hooks/incoming-webhook?token=myToken';
var slack = require('slack-notify')(MY_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL);

// Bundled notification types:

slack.bug('Something bad happened!'); // Posts to #bugs by default
slack.success('Something good happened!'); // Posts to #alerts by default
slack.alert('Something important happened!'); // Posts to #alerts by default
slack.note('Here is a note.'); // Posts to #alerts by default

// Send custom fields which are nicely displayed by the Slack client:

  text: 'Current server stats',
  fields: {
    'CPU usage': '7.51%',
    'Memory usage': '254mb'

// The `fields` object is custom shorthand for the `attachments` array:

  text: 'Current server stats',
  attachments: [
      fallback: 'Required Fallback String',
      fields: [
        { title: 'CPU usage', value: '7.51%', short: true },
        { title: 'Memory usage', value: '254mb', short: true }

// Everything is overridable:

  channel: '#myCustomChannelName',
  icon_url: 'http://example.com/my-icon.png',
  text: 'Here is my notification',
  unfurl_links: 1,
  username: 'Jimmy'

// Roll your own notification type:

var statLog = slack.extend({
  channel: '#statistics',
  icon_emoji: ':computer:',
  username: 'Statistics'

  text: 'Current server statistics',
  fields: {
    'CPU usage': '7.51%',
    'Memory usage': '254mb'

// Callbacks and a generic onError function are supported:

slack.alert('Hello', function (err) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('API error:', err);
  } else {
    console.log('Message received!');

slack.onError = function (err) {
  console.log('API error:', err);

Running the Test Suite

npm install
npm test


Matt Oakes
Mahmud Ridwan


MIT. Copyright © 2014 Andrew Childs