
  • You need to prepare Ansible control machine environment.
  • Make sure you already add the target host's SSH public key to the control machine. Also, you need to setup ./inventories/host.yml properly.


  • Playbooks are under ./playbooks directory.


  • You need to provide 2 environment variables:
    • PANEL_URL: Your Pterodactyl panel URL.
    • APPLICATION_API_KEY: Your Pterodactyl application api key. You can create one by navigating to the admin panel -> Application API -> Create New.
  • Run ansible-playbook -i ./inventories/host.yml ./playbooks/fetch_servers.yml.
  • You are suggested to run this first to create the proper mapping of container UUIDs and names.


  • Add pterodactyl container UUID-name mappings you want to monitor in ./containers/container.yml.
  • You can find the UUID in the Pterodactyl panel -> Click a server -> Settings -> Debug Information -> Server ID. But if you have run fetch_servers.yml, every UUID-name mappings should have already been generated automatically. Then, you can filter them on demand.
  • Run ansible-playbook -i ./inventories/host.yml ./playbooks/health_check.yml.