Additional Challenge

Explain the process of publishing the app to the Play Store and Apple App Store, and share any personal experience or anecdotal evidence you have.

I have been working with react-native for about 5 years now. I have deployed apps like MTN D2R app, WorkRaven, uLesson, Remedy Portal, Affixdot and more.

The process of publishing to the stores have changed with time especially on the Android part.



  • Apple Development Account
  • MacOS
  • XCode
  • Provisioning Profile

After archiving the iOS build using XCode, and the uploading it to the and uploading all assets and other requirements of the App Store.

App will then be submitted for review.



  • Android sdk

The steps listed here Publishing To the Play Store to generate a Keystore file that will be used to generate an android bundle using the ./gradlew bundleRelease (.aab file)

This keystore file also must be used to generate SHA keys that will be uploaded to the store.


One particular process I keep forgetting is how to get a App Store distribution certificate and Provisioning Profile even though I have done it multiple times


API KEYS and SECRETS should be managed by using a .env file / react-native-dotenv module. There are also other ways to manage them including using aws secret manager etc. It all depends on the situation