
Sample data for the demos of OceanWP

OceanWP WordPress Theme Sample Data

This is the sample data files for the OceanWP WordPress Theme and has been made accessible for buyers.

You must extract the zip after downloading and select only the file you wish to import.


The demos were created with Elementor and the extensions of the theme, so if the plugins/extensions are not enabled on your site before the import, you will not have all pages as presented in our demos.

There will be no errors on your site if you do, so, if you have other plugins that replace those used in demos (as Beaver Builder instead of Elementor) and you want to import a specific page, you can do it.


You can see all the demos here - https://oceanwp.org/demos/

Plugins Used In The Demos

You must install and activate the plugins used in the demo you want imported to have the same result, to see the plugins used, go to this article in the documentation: Importing The Sample Data.