
Set verifiable flags as regular investment in yourself

Primary LanguageMakefile

Set Flags

An exemplar project for setting personal, verifiable flags as part of regular investing in yourself.


See the functioning prototype at https://group-mixin.droneidentity.eu.

新型立志红包让群众监督你完成自己立下的宏愿。 定投者发起以一年为限的定投红包,许愿每天干成什么,最少要多少人验证, 一共发放多少金额: 其中10%奖励给证人,其余是押金在每天完成任务后归还自己。 当全部任务顺利完成时,已经发给证人的奖励将以SFC(立志币)返还发起人。 跟传统红包不一样,定投者(红包发起人)在报告任务完成并获得成功验证以后,可以赢回押金。 为获知任务完成情况,系统要求定投者和证人(红包领取人)配合完成以下规定动作:

  • 每天系统提醒定投者报告当天任务的完成情况。
  • 根据定投者的报告,验证者独立判断该任务是否已经完成。
  • 系统只奖励结论符合共识的证人。
  • 发起过立志红包的证人获得更多奖励。
  • 只有经验证成功完成了任务,系统才退还定投者当天押金。
  • 每个红包至少价值1 USDT或者1 SFC。
  • [optional] 消息根据用户语言自动翻译!
  • [optional] 如果立志人不折不扣地完成全部任务,全部红包价值完璧归赵, 并免费获得全年完整的证据链 !

Use Cases



We follow the model-view-controller architecture pattern to design the chatbot.

  • Model

Entity Relationship diagram

NOTE. The diagram is created using PlantUML, after the file is opened inside GitPod, type "Alt + D" to edit the diagram.

  • View

The following RESFTful API table is generated from our Swagger specification using the Swagger Editor by the markdown-swagger tool.

Endpoint Method Auth? Description
/flags GET No list all the flags
/flags/{id} POST No create a flag
/flags/{id}/{op} PUT No update an existing flag with operations for verification (yes, no) after uploaded the evidence (done)
/myflags/{id} GET No list all flags of the user
/flags/{flag_id}/evidences/{attachment_id} POST No upload evidence
/flags/{flag_id}/evidences GET No list all the evidences since yesterday
/users/{user_id}/rewards/{flag_id} GET No check the total rewards received by the user for the flag
/assets/{id} GET No get the asset information
  • Controller



  • The source will be organised using Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.


