This code determines the Hubbard U parameters in DFT+U via Bayesian Optimization approach.
- Python 3.6+
- NumPy
- Pandas
- ASE (
- pymatgen (
- bayesian-optimization
- Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP)
Set up the input file (input.json) before running the code
The input file contains these parts:
- structure_info : Includes geometry information (such as lattice parameter, lattice vectors, atomic position, etc) of the target materials.
- general_flags: Includes general flags required in the VASP calculation.
- scf: Flags required particularly in SCF calculation.
- band: Flags required particularly in band structure calculation.
- pbe: Flags required when using PBE as exchange-correlation functional.
- hse: Flags required when using HSE06 as exchange-correlation functional. The flags can be added or removed. More flag keys can be found in the ASE VASP calculator.
pip install BayesOpt4dftu
Before running, change the environment variables VASP_RUN_COMMAND, OUTFILENAME, and VASP_PP_PATH.
cd example/
python ./
Please cite the following work if you use this code.
[1] M. Yu, S. Yang, C. Wu, N. Marom, Machine learning the Hubbard U parameter in DFT+ U using Bayesian optimization, npj Computational Materials, 6(1):1–6, 2020.