
Auto Grading System (Next.js + TailwindCSS + AWS CDK(backend))

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A strong workload will lead to many issues such as it may reduce the quality of education, etc. Therefore, we can hand over repeatable work to the machine as automation. The teacher needs to grade the student's work repeatedly and based on the sample answer. As a result, we can hand the student's answer and the sample answer to the artificial intelligence to compare them whether they match the meaning.

Drastically reduce teacher grading student work time via automatic grading. In addition, some teachers may not believe in artificial intelligence so There are options sorted by the question number of all student work. Therefore, the teacher can focus on grading the same question at the same time, which improves the grading speed.

In addition, the process will generate much data about the student's answers. Regarding the data visualization, we can take advantage of it to let the teacher be able to know the overall student learning situation via student answers. Teachers can set out to solve the student not clearly part based on the data.

DEMO Video: Click Here (Youtube)

Image Image

Directory Structure

./infra AWS IaC Project
./      Next.js app