
Testing iOS apps

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Testing iOS Apps in 2015

Content for the talk "Testing iOS apps in 2015"

"This talk will start with an intro to testing iOS apps and cover basic topics like what to test and available tools. Next, we'll dive into writing testable code, techniques for testing UI logic, testing async code, and adding tests to a legacy codebase. Then, we'll walk through adding regression tests to a 'legacy' iPhone app with Apple's testing framework, XCTest, and end with a Q&A session."

I plan to push slides/notes post talks.

I'm going to talk about adding tests to an untested app. I needed a codebase quick to explain but complex enough to demonstrate testing a "real" app.


HotSpots is a moderately realistic enterprisy location based iPhone app. It fetches locations from Google maps and then displays them.

It computes a hotness score for the location, which is animated in as the long running computation is finished.

I implemented this app to be as close to a real "legacy" app that was designed without considering testability, and without creating a total trainwreck.

Pull requests for difficult to test features or methods are welcome. I plan to add tests for any features and will push the tests to this repo talk.

It requires CocoaPods to install dependencies and a Google Places API token.