
Let's check your resume competency!

Primary LanguageJava

Resume Analyzer


This tool aims to simplify the process of creating an effective resume by helping users identify key skills relevant to their desired job positions. By uploading their resume and selecting the job they're interested in, users can see a match percentage comparing their resume to what recruiters might seek. The tool also suggests skills to improve upon and add to the resume for future applications, aiding users in assessing their competency for the desired job position.


  • Upload your resume and select your desired job position.
  • View a match percentage comparing your resume to what recruiters might be looking for.
  • Receive suggested skills to improve upon and add to your resume.

How to use

  • Clone this repository to your local machine.
  • Install the required dependencies. (maven, MySQL)
  • Run the application.

MySQL Dependancy

Please note that this project uses MySQL server running on local machine. Ensure that you have required database before running.

Database Schema

Database Name

  • Name: jobs_database


Table 1: jobs
  • Columns:
    • JobID: Primary key
    • title
Table 2: jobrequirements
  • Columns:
    • JobID: Primary key
    • Skill1
    • Skill2
    • Skill3
    • Skill4
    • Skill5