
For this hackathon, you and your team will be collaborating to build a Connect Four game. A description of the basic game rules can be found here.


  • The game must support at least two players.
  • The game must automatically switch players after a player makes a move.
  • The game must automatically end and declare a winner when the win condition is met.
  • The game must offer to reset and begin a new game without refreshing the page.

Stretch Features (optional)

  • Keep track of the number of wins per player.
  • Make a custom theme for the game (e.g. Star Wars, Naruto, or Pusheen).
  • Add animations (e.g when the player drops a disc into the game rack).
  • Add a customizable time limit per turn.
  • Allow players to choose an custom icon for their discs.
  • Allow players to choose the dimensions of the game rack before starting a game.


Getting Started

One team member should create a new project on MeisterTask and invite the other team members to collaborate. This is where your team will conduct task management for the hackathon. MeisterTask cards should be small action items.

Coding Workflow

For this hackathon you will be collaborating with a small team of other developers and managing your source code with Git and GitHub. It is important that your team follow a strict workflow to keep everyone on the same page with respect to the project management and codebase.

  1. First, one member of your team should fork this repository. They should share a link to the fork with every other team member.
  2. Each member of your team should clone that one fork to their local lfz/ directory. 💀 Do not fork the fork 💀)
  3. Each member of your team should check out a new branch from the master branch for the changes that they are about to make. Do not work directly on the master branch!
  4. When a team member has completed their changes, they should push their branch up to GitHub and make a new Pull Request to merge their changes into master. If there are merge conflicts, do the following.
    • Check out master locally.
    • git pull origin master to make sure you have the latest commits for master
    • Check out the branch you were working on.
    • git merge master to make sure that your own branch is up-to-date
    • Fix merge conflicts if there are any
  5. Have a team member review and approve the Pull Request.
  6. Merge the pull request.
  7. Check out master locally.
  8. git pull origin master to sync your local master to GitHub's master.
  9. Repeat for a new set of changes.

Submitting the Final Code

Once all of your team's changes are done, you'll want to turn in your work. This repository has one branch per group. You'll want to:

  1. Go to your fork's repository on GitHub.com.
  2. Go to the Pull Requests tab.
  3. Click the New Pull Request button.
  4. Select Learning-Fuze/c0120-hackathon-1 as the base repository.
  5. Select your team's branch as the base branch.
  6. Select your fork as the head repository.
  7. Select your master branch as the compare branch.
  8. Click Create Pull Request.