
Arduino Library for ESP8266 to send messages to a syslog server

Primary LanguageC++

Library for printing messages to Syslog on ESP8266

This library allows ESP8266-based devices to send messages to remote syslog servers. This is especially useful when you've put your code into production, and you no longer have access to the serial console since it isn't connected to your laptop anymore, but hidden away inside a wall somewhere. You'll need to set up a machine on your network as a syslog server. The easiest way to do this is to use a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian. Raspbian comes with rsyslogd, which supports the remote syslog protocol, but this capability is disabled by default. You'll need to uncomment the following lines from /etc/rsyslog.conf:

$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514

Then restart rsyslog:

systemctl restart rsyslog

Note that you can use any Linux distribution with rsyslog, not just Rasbian on a Raspberry Pi.


Use git to clone this repository into your Arduino libraries folder. On a Mac, this is usually Documents/Arduino/libraries:

cd ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries
git clone https://www.github.com/jerryr/EspSyslog