
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Test Coverage Maintainability

The DataFrame UI Library is a JavaScript library that provides a set of tools for managing and manipulating data in user interfaces. It is framework agnostic and can be used with any ui framework.


  • Datasets: Manage and manipulate datasets with ease
    • filtering, sorting, and aggregation.
    • Joins: Combine datasets effortlessly with support for inner, outer, left, and right joins.
    • Rollup: Summarize data across multiple dimensions, calculating aggregate statistics like sum, average, min, and max.
  • Modeling: Create and manage data models, including merging, renaming, and resolving conflicts.
  • Renaming: Simplify key renaming in JavaScript objects, with options for prefixes, suffixes, and custom separators.
  • Dataviews: Create interactive views for exploring and analyzing datasets, including sortable and filterable columns.


  • The dataset function initializes a dataset from an array of objects.
  • This dataset comprises data rows that are sortable, filterable, and groupable.
  • Leverage dataset for SQL-like operations such as selecting, updating, and deleting rows.
  • Employ aggregate functions like sum, average, and count for summarizing multiple attributes of the data.
  • Utilize the dataset for various data operations like joining and merging data from disparate sources.
  • Establish connected data views with joins to visualize data relationships, particularly for tracking parent-child connections.

Refer to dataset documentation for more details.


  • Utilize the dataview function to create a data view, enabling dynamic data manipulation and observation.
  • This view facilitates sorting, filtering, and grouping data while providing insight into selected or hidden rows.
  • The original dataset remains untouched while the view offers flexible data presentation options.
  • Associate actions such as select, edit, and delete with data rows using action columns within the view.
  • Manage data effectively, including parent-child links, even within a flat array structure.

Refer to dataview documentation for more details.


Here's how to use the dataview function from the DataFrame UI Library in a function-based approach:

import { dataview } from '@jerrythomas/dataframe'

// Sample data
const data = [
  { id: 1, name: 'Alice', age: 25 },
  { id: 2, name: 'Bob', age: 30 }
  // more data...

// Create a new view of the data
const view = dataview(data)

// Sort the data by the 'name' field

// Filter data to only include top-level items
view.filter((row) => row.age > 25)

The dataview function initializes a manageable data state with methods that allow for manipulation and observation of data changes, integrating smoothly with UI updates.