
Primary LanguagePython


This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of VISinger2.


  • Jan 31 2023: Modify the extraction method of gt-dur in dataset.py. Replace the dsp-wav with a sinusoidal signal as input to the HiFi-GAN decoder.
  • Jan 10 2023: Init commit.


  1. Install python requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Download the Opencpop Dataset (https://wenet.org.cn/opencpop/).
  3. prepare data like data/opencpop (wavs, trainset.txt, testset.txt, train.list, test.list)
  4. modify the egs/visinger2/config.json (data/data_dir, train/save_dir)

extract pitch and mel

cd egs/visinger2
bash bash/preprocess.sh config.json


cd egs/visinger2
bash bash/train.sh 0

We trained the model for 500k steps with batch size of 16.


modify the model_dir, input_dir, output_dir in inference.sh

cd egs/visinger2
bash bash/inference.sh

Some audio samples can be found in demo website.


We referred to VITS, HiFiGAN, gst-tacotron and ddsp_pytorch to implement this.