
Twitter clone on GraphQL, Apollo and ReactNative

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twitter Clone


  • node doesn't understand ES6 syntax, however, babel can handle that problem, the line below installs babel and solve the problem:

    npm install babel-cli babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread babel-preset-env --save
  • add run server line to package.json scripts: this also adds nodemon to recompile server on change

    "dev": "cross-env NODE_ENV=dev nodemon --exec babel-node src/index.js"

    run server by:

    npm run-script dev
  • A very strict but good linter

    npm install eslint eslint-config-equimper prettier eslint-config-prettier --save


    add file .eslintrc

        "extends": [
  • GraphQL Query fetch usage on console

    • get all tweets
    • get target tweet
      <!-- pass in an id to fetch and specify what fields is wanted as response -->
        getTweet(_id: "id") {
  • GraphQL Schema date type

  1. Install graphql date:

    npm install graphql-date --save
  2. In schema add to the top:

    scalar Date

    Then we can specify a Date type:

    type {
      createdAt: Date!
  3. In the resolvers index specify a Date along with Query and Mutation

Questions I asked along the way

  • What is express?

    Express organizes application into an MVC architecture

  • What is mongoose?

    Mongoose is the ORM, it is used for modeling mongodb

  • PostgreSQL vs MongoDB?

    • PostgreSQL:

      • Vertical Scaling(doesn't scale very well)
      • Could scale horizontally but need third party solution
      • ACID database
    • MongoDB:

      • Horizontal Scaling (good stuff, better for scaling)
      • Automatic database sharding
      • Potential loss of data
  • Horizontal Scaling vs Vertical Scaling?

    • Horizontal Scaling:
      • Scale by adding more machines
      • Easier to scale dynamically
    • Vertical Scaling:
      • Scale by adding more CPU, it is
      • Limited to the capacity of a single machine
  • What is async await?

    • async/await is similar to promise/then
    • async can take in a call back and within that callback tell a variable to wait for result from another function call inside that callback
    • promise itself is the result of a function
  • How does Array.from create array with size n?

    Array.from({length: 2}) = [undefined, undefined];
    Array.from({length: 2}, (a, b) => b) = [0,1];
    Array.from([1,2,3], x => x + x) = [2,4,6];