
This project convert XHR queries to Plantuml file.

This project is written in Typescript for deno runtime. Install deno : https://deno.land/#installation


deno run -A HarToPlantuml.ts file.har

or run from web directly (will be cached for the next launches) :

deno run -A https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jersou/har-to-plantuml/master/HarToPlantuml.ts file.har

Install HarToPlantuml

deno install --name har2uml --allow-read --allow-write -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jersou/har-to-plantuml/master/HarToPlantuml.ts
→ and then run : har2uml file.har


The folder .DENO_DIR and .lock.json are not necessary for the project to work, it just allows to save its dependencies.

Some dev command are listed in the scripts.yaml file, this file can be use with Velociraptor :

  • start: run HarToPlantuml.ts
  • test: launch tests
  • test-watch: launch tests on file change
  • lint: lint the code
  • fmt: format the code
  • bundle: bundle the project and its dependencies to dist/HarToPlantuml.js
  • bak-dep: backup the dependencies to .DENO_DIR and update .lock.json
  • gen-cov: generate the test coverage