NAME - convert a University of Bath HTML timetable to an iCalendar file SYNOPSIS use Timetable qw/ical_for_url ical_as_string/; my @start = (2011, 10, 3); my $ical = ical_for_url( \@start, $url_to_timetable_page ); print ical_as_string( $ical ); DESCRIPTION The University of Bath give timetables in HTML files which are needlessly difficult to use. For example: d+year+Chemistry+with+Management&weeks=19-32&idtype=name&objectclass=pr ogramme%2Bof%2Bstudy%2Bgroups This module is capable of scraping these pages and outputting iCalendar (RFC 2445) files containing the events. DATA STRUCTURE The iCalendar structures returned by many of these functions are arrayrefs containing hashrefs describing events. For example: [ { 'SUMMARY' => 'CM20218-Leca 6W 1.1', 'DURATION' => 'PT50M', 'RRULE' => 'FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=15', 'EXDATE' => '20120402T091500,20120409T091500', 'DTSTART' => '20120206T091500' } ]; for a one-event structure with those properties. See RFC 2445 for what they mean. FUNCTIONS ical_for_url $start, $url $start should be an array reference of the form [ $year, $month, $day ] describing the date of the first monday in the timetabling period. How this is determined is an exercise for the module user (realistically, you have to just get it manually from the university semester dates). Return an iCalendar structure describing the page at the given $url or undef if there is an error. ical_for_html $start, $html $start is as for ical_for_url. Return an iCalendar structure describing the page in $html or undef if there is an error. ical_for_dom $start, $dom $start is as for ical_for_url. Return an iCalendar structure describinbg the page in the HTML::DOM in $dom or undef if there is an error. ical_as_string $ical Return a string representation of the given iCalendar structure, suitable for writing to a .ics file. AUTHORS James Stanley <> Alex Hobbs <> helped debug a problem with Apple iCal LICENSING Do whatever you want.