
This repository is a summary about the challenge of Microsoft about .NET & C#

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Module 1

The first module is an introduction to C# and to all languages in general. The module explains about the programming languages, compilers, etc.

Module 2

In this module it's explained how to build a webpage with HTML, CSS and JS. It explains the importance to separe these three concepts.

Module 3

In this module explains the importance of the accesibility in out website and it shows tools like Zoom, Screen Readers, etc. A good tool to check the accesibility is Lighthouse created by Google and it's included in several browsers. The main problematic elements are: hyperlinks (solved by aria-label attribute and AIRA roles) and images (solved by alt attribute). It's essential to check the structure os the code not only the design of the website

Module 4

In this module it's purposed to create a Razor Pages of ASP.NET Core website. Razor is a mix beetwen HTML and C# and it allows to create the view of the website in function of the value of variables or return of functions. It reduces the parcial views. Here we have a list about the files in ContosoPizza:

  • Models : contains the class that identifies a Pizza
  • Data : contains a class that represent the context of the database. It ease the work with the database
  • Services: It containts the class to interact with the database (list, add, modify, etc.)
  • Migrations: It contains the code to create the database
    • ContosoPizza.db: It's the database in SQLite
  • Pages: It contains Razor Pages (.chtml) and Auxiliar files (.cshtml.csPageModel)
  • wwwroot: It contains the static resources (HTML, CSS y JS)
  • ContosoPizza.csproj: This file contains the metadata to configurate the project and the dependences
  • Program.cs: It's the enter point to the app and create the routers

To start the app we can use dotnet watch

In the file index.cshtml that includes C# code and HTML we can see this importante directives in C#:

ViewData["Title"] = "The home for Pizza Lovers";
TimeSpan timeInBussiness = DateTime.Now - new DateTime(2018, 8, 14);

To create a new page in the project we write

dotnet new page --name PizzaList --namespace ContosoPizza.pages --output Pages

that creates the cshtml and cshtml.cs files

We add the content to the new created page and we add the page to the nav menu defined in Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml:

                        <li class="nav-item">
                            <a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-area="" asp-page="/PizzaList">Pizza List 🍕</a>

Now, we will show the list of pizzas, first we need to create the dependence of the PizzaService in the file Program.cs with the code:


Then, we will create the code to get the list of pizzas in the file PizzaList.cshtml.cs:

    public class PizzaListModel : PageModel
        private readonly PizzaService _service;
        public IList<Pizza> PizzaList { get; set; } = default!;

        public PizzaListModel(PizzaService service)
            _service = service;

        public void OnGet()
            PizzaList = _service.GetPizzas();

And we will show it on the page in the file PizzaList.cshtml:

<table class="table mt-5">
            <th scope="col">Name</th>
            <th scope="col">Price</th>
            <th scope="col">Size</th>
            <th scope="col">Gluten Free</th>
            <th scope="col">Delete</th>
        @foreach(var pizza in Model.PizzaList)
                    <td>@(pizza.IsGlutenFree ? "✔️" : string.Empty) </td>
                        <form method="post" asp-page-handler="Delete" asp-route-id="@pizza.Id">
                            <button class="btn btn-danger">Delete</button>

The attributes asp-page-handler indicates the action to do in the click of the button and asp-route-idindicates the Id of the object pizza to send to the Delete controller.


Now we will learn how to include C# code in our HTML by rewriting them:

  • Partial tags: <partial name="_ValidatorScriptsPartial"> include the content of the file in the page
  • Auxiliar tags: <label asp-for="Foo.Id" class="control-label"></label> accepts a property of PageModel and show it in a label
  • Input tags: <input asp-for="Foo.Id" class="form-control" /> indicates the property of PageModel that changes on input
  • Validation tags = <div asp-validation-summary="All"></div> show a validation message for a property of the model.

Like we have done in the PizzaList page we can control the HTTP request with methods like OnGet(), OnPost(), etc.

The annotation BindProperty fills the variable in the form POST