
Set of functions created ad-hoc to analize and plot simulated brain signals.

Primary LanguagePython

python Toolbox

Set of Python functions created ad-hoc to analyze and plot simulated brain signals.

Main scripts contain functions to analyze functional connectivity, dynamical functional connectivity, spectral analysis and to manipulate and plot simulated brain signals.

(dynamical) Functional Connectivity (fc): FC (PLV, AEC, CORR, PLI), dFC - Sliding Window approach, Kuramoto order, Phase Lag Entropy (PLE)

Spectral analysis (fft): multitapper, FFT, PSD; and extensions for extracting peaks and plotting

Manipulation and plotting of signals: Plot timeseries (timeseriesPlot); Cut signals into epochs of the same length (epochingTool); Filter in frequency bands and plot timeseries, phase and amplitude components of the Hilbert transform (plotConversions);