
Meet new people and share accommodation in the big city!

Primary LanguageHTML


General Info

Travelr is an app that allows users to form groups and chat together so they can find a place to stay in big cities.




Technologies used for this project:

  • JavaScript, jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Firebase and Firestore
  • Netlify


Content of the project folder:

 Top level of project folder: 
├── .gitignore               # Git ignore file
├── index.html               # landing HTML file, this is what users see when they visit the root path (travelr-bcit.netlify.app/)
└── README.md                # woah, you're reading this now!

It has the following subfolders and files:
├── .git                     # Folder for git repo

├── html                     # Folder for html files
        /chat.html           # chat HTML file, what users see when they click on Chats
        /group-info.html     # group info HTML file, what users see when they access a group
        /groups.html         # group list HTML file, what users see when they click on Groups (view all the groups)
        /login.html          # login HTML file, the log-in page
        /main.html           # main HTML file, the page users see after logging in
        /profile.html        # profile HTML file, what users see when they click on Me in the footer menu
        /search.html         # search HTML file, the search results page 

├── images                   # Folder for images
├── scripts                         # Folder for scripts
        /authentication.js          # Firebase authentication backend
        /chat.js                    # JS for chat.html
        /firebaseAPI_DTC15.js       # firebase API stuff, shared across pages
        /group-info.js              # JS for group-info.html
        /groups.js                  # JS for groups.html
        /load-user.js               # loads user into frontend, shared across pages
        /main.js                    # JS for main.html
        /profile.js                 # JS for profile.html
        /realTime_API_DTC15.js      # firebase Realtime DB API, used only in chat.html
        /search.js                  # JS for search.html
        /skeleton.js                # loads navbar and footer, shared across pages

├── styles                          # Folder for styles
        /chat.css                   # style for chat.html
        /group-info.css             # style for group-info.html
        /main.css                   # style for main.html
        /profile.css                # style for profile.html
        /search.css                 # style for search.html
        /style.css                  # generic stylesheet for all pages

├── text                            # Folder for text containers
        /footer.html                # code snippet for generating the footer
        /nav.html                   # code snippet for generating the navbar


