
Curated list of useful Cloudformation macros that I could find


tf-cfn-provider Makes every Terraform resource type available in CloudFormation

Boto3 Make arbitrary AWS api calls. Very powerful. Use it to work around some limitations like create SSM secure parameters in stacks.

PyPlate Run arbitrary python code in templates.

cfn-pseudo-parameters: Macros to get ISO8601 date, UUIDv4, a timestamp, and some random numbers.

Auto-tagger: Automatically assign a set of tag key-value pairs to all supported resources in the stack.

ProtectMyS3 Makes your S3 buckets private.

Explode Create multiple copies of resources.

S3Objects: Makes AWS::S3::Object available. Create objects from plain text, binary data, or copy existing objects from other buckets.

StackMetrics. Automatically adds Cloudwatch custom metrics for your resources.

StringFunctions String utility functions including: Upper, Lower, Capitalize, Title, SwapCase, Strip, Replace, MaxLength,.