Format for Message Exchange
To read any information from global memory the childs needs print and read the following informations on standard output/input:
|--------[general example in C]--------------| | 1) printf("read.%s\n", key); | | 2) flush(stdout); | | 3) scanf("%s", &value); | |--------[to use the termometer]-------------| | 1) printf("read.myApp.temperature\n"); | | 2) flush(stdout); | | 3) scanf("%f\n", &temperature); | |--------------------------------------------|
To run the SimPLE aplication use the following command line:
\>\> java -jar SimPLE.jar -file sim-example.txt
There are too several optional parameters, each argument is composeds by pair [-name] [value], the full list is discribed bellow:
-fast default = false, this true disable all delays to a fast initialization -disableWarnnings default = false, this true disable all warnning menssages -delayFirstDebug default = 2000 ms, wait a little to perform a best verification if all modules is fine -delayStartListen default = 1000 ms, wait a little to listem the modules (\*) -delayActivity default = 2000 ms, wait a little to start the activity verification on modules (\*) -delayUserInterface default = 3000 ms, wait a little to start the user interface (\*) -sleepWaitRequest default = 100 ms, time to try again on solve a fail request (please use >= 10 ms) -sleepActivity default = 1000 ms, time between activity verification on modules (please use >= 10 ms) -streamOutputSize default = 8000 chars, number of characters on buffer of standar output stream -streamErrorSize default = 8000 chars, number of characters on buffer of standar error stream (\*) (usefull only to best prints visualization)
First Setup
First donwload the last release version of SimPLE, Latest release. Now extract it to a most possible simple path, we sujest as sample for Windows on C:/SimPLE/. On this directory there are severals simulations test files with names like simXX-XXX.txt we sujest to use the Notepad++ to open and edit this files for Windows or Geany for Linux. To perform the first setup you need to change the paths from E:/Dropbox/GitHub/SimPLE/ to C:/SimPLE/ as example on this files before use them. Note that this paths point to the exacly codes that will run, some times this is sufficient condition to run the SimPLE.jar aplication as explained above. But to avoid some portability problems we recomend to compile again each of this codes to your computer, to do that go to each module poited by the simXX-XXX.txt file and compile again the code.
Getting Started