
a tool to dump Hacker News stories and comments in a SQLite database

Primary LanguageC++


hn2sqlite is a tool to dump Hacker News stories and comments in a SQLite database. It reads HackerNewsData in JSON format and outputs the SQLite database. See Downloading All of Hacker News Posts and Comments.

How to generate the database

  1. build the hn2sqlite tool

     cd ~/hn2sqlite; make
  2. Download and unpack the data dump. I had more luck with the copy at the internet archive than with the torrent at GitHub.

  3. Import all the stories in the database. This takes about one minute on my computer.

     ./hn2sqlite hn-all-stories+comments.sqlite < HNStoriesAll.json
  4. Import all the comments. This takes about 5 min.

     ./hn2sqlite hn-all-stories+comments.sqlite < HNCommentsAll.json
  5. Create the following database indexes. These indexes work ok for me with queries used to retrieve stories by date, comments of a specific story and stories or comments submitted by an specific author. Generating the indexes takes a while too.

     $ sqlite3 hn-all-stories+comments.sqlite
     SQLite version 3.8.5 2014-06-04 14:06:34
     Enter ".help" for usage hints.
     sqlite> .timer on
     sqlite> create index if not exists created_at_i_idx on stories (created_at_i);
     Run Time: real 50.425 user 4.280000 sys 4.333333
     sqlite> create index if not exists story_id_idx on comments (story_id);
     Run Time: real 212.497 user 19.619998 sys 18.913332
     sqlite> create index if not exists stories_author_idx on stories (author);
     Run Time: real 53.204 user 6.210000 sys 4.396666
     sqlite> create index if not exists comments_author_idx on comments (author);
     Run Time: real 353.158 user 30.969997 sys 30.193330
     sqlite> .quit

The resulting database weights 3.8 GBytes. SQLite shows no problem dealing with that.

Hacker News Digest

Check out Hacker News Digest, a companion web app to browse the data.


  • rapidjson is used to parse the input files.


hn2sqlite is distributed under the MIT license.