
Final project in UC Davis's SQL for Data Science certificate course


Final project in UC Davis's SQL for Data Science certificate course.


In the last week of the SQL for Data Science course offered by UC Davis through Coursera, students are provided a Yelp dataset and then asked to profile and analyze that dataset using SQL, namely the SQLite Database Management System. All SQL code and insights provided within this repository constitute original responses to the question prompts.


This assignment was broken into 2 parts consisting of, first, profiling and then analyzing the dataset, and it is split across these two parts within this repository.

Part 1 includes questions and answers involving basic queries of different tables within the dataset. The responses simply show the SQL code and the output of these queries with limited additional observations.

Part 2 poses guided research questions that are then explored and answered through more advanced queries and logical reasoning using the coded outputs. Finally, students were asked to consider an additional analysis that could be conducted and perform the initial next steps needed to query the data needed for that proposed analysis.

The dataset provided is an abridged version of Yelp's review database, limited to a total of 10,000 distinct values in each primary key variable.

ER Diagram

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