Personal InfluxDB exploration project

This is a personal InfluxDB and Grafana exploration project. The project include InfluxDB and Grafana provisioning and functionality to generate random load data. Lastly tests exists that explore the Flux query language.


sdk env
mvn package -Pnative
mvn native:compile

Note: the docker build process are generating a native image hence we need the native profile

To build the docker image issue the following command in the project root directory:

docker build -t test -f docker/Dockerfile .

Boot local environment

Located in the root project directory issue the command:

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml --env-file docker/local.env watch

Note: The compose file is using the Compose Develop specification to sync the telegraf configuration and performance simulation application to the running container on changes.

Enter a shell on the container influxdb-exploration-app-1 and do

cd app

Enter help process to get to know the process command.

Logon to Grafana (admin/admin-password) and open the Performance dashboard and watch the data flowing in.


Telegraf is the agent that collect and send metrics to InfluxDB.

Install options:

nix-env --install telegraf
snap install telegraf --classic

or download and install locally. Note that the telegraf-start.ps1 assumes Telegraf is added to path variable.

Configuring Telegraf

Basically you configure a number of input, aggregator, processor and output plugins. There are many plugins for example input plugins that can read output from a script ExecD or http that can periodically pull a http address.

In this project there is an example of using the Grok input plugin for sending the content of a log file to InfluxDB. See the file telegraf.conf.

One very important bit is to configure the timestamp correctly as shown. Note that throughout this project the InfluxDB uses UTC time zone as that is the default configured for the docker image.

When starting out configuring Telegraf you can specify only one output plugin as shown below such that all output is sent to stdout:

    files = ["stdout"]

Deploying Telegraf

A common scenario and best practise is to have multiple Telegraf instances output to a message queue and have one Telegraf instance read from that message queue and output the content to InfluxDB. In this way the architecture is more resilient to outages and buffer overflow if data cannot be written to InfluxDB.


Applying templates

Templates contain everything from dashboards and Telegraf configurations to notifications and alerts in a single manifest file. See the github community-templates repository for prepackaged InfluxDB configurations.


In the InfluxDB UI go to Settings -> Templates and paste the url: in the URL field and press lookup template.

Go to Load Data -> Telegraf -> Linux System Monitoring -> Setup Instructions -> Generate New API Token and copy the API Token and the Telegraf start command and paste it to a file.

See the template readme for additional setup instructions, typically the INFLUX_HOST and INFLUX_ORG environment variables needs to be specified as in this case. Execute commands similar to this:

export INLFUX_ORG=test_org
export INFLUX_HOST=http://localhost:8086
telegraf --config http://localhost:8086/api/v2/telegrafs/0c812ba1299bc000

Execute the file and watch the Linux System dashboard light up.

Running InfluxDB using Docker

Do a local install or use Docker using the following command to set up a default user and organization:

docker run --env=DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_USERNAME=test-user --env=DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_PASSWORD=test-password --env=DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_MODE=setup --env=DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_BUCKET=test-bucket --env=DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ORG=test-org --env=DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_CLI_CONFIG_NAME=default -p 8086 --name InfluxDB -d influxdb:2.7.5 

Note: if you do want to persist your data outside the container, adjust the source path and add: --volume /home/influxdb/data:/var/lib/influxdb2