Letter Lasso 🐎 🤠

Welcome to Letter Lasso, a Wordle-like CLI built with Python and SQLite. Choose from a selection of puzzles, then wrangle your letters together in 6 guesses or less to find the solution. View your scores (and your competition) in the leaderboard.


  1. Fork and clone this repo from Github to your local environment
  2. Navigate into your local directory and open the contents in your preferred code editor
  3. Run pipenv install to install dependencies
  4. Run pipenv shell to create virtual environment
  5. From the project directory, run python3 lib/seed.py to populate the database with puzzles


Ready to play? Here's how to get started:

  1. Run python3 lib/cli.py
  2. Enter a number 1-4 from the menu. Start with 1 to register as a new player.
  3. Follow the resulting prompts
  4. Type "6", "exit", or "quit" to end the program


🐎 Create a new player

  • Enter a username to register and be eligible to play

🐎 Select an unplayed puzzle

  • View your list of unplayed puzzles
  • Enter your desired puzzle number to start

🐎 Take up to 6 guesses per puzzle

  • Type a 5-letter word to guess
  • Only alphabetical characters allowed

🐎 Receive your score

  • Find out your total score based on your guesses
  • 300 is the max score if you guess the word in 1 turn

🐎 Create a new puzzle

  • Enter a 5-letter word to joing the puzzle database

🐎 View high scores by puzzle

  • Select a puzzle number to view its leaderboard

Data tables

🤠 players

  • Stores players with their username
  • Maps to the Python class Player

🤠 puzzles

  • Stores puzzles with their solution
  • Maps to the Python class Puzzle
  • Puzzle class includes methods for get_scores() and high_scores() to access all scores and best scores for each puzzle

🤠 results

  • Stores results with their player_id, puzzle_id, score, and number of guesses
  • Maps to the Python class Result

Methods available for all Python classes include: create, save, update, delete, get_all.

Contributor blogs


Python Wordle Clone
