
[IEEE T-ASE] [IROS 2022] Unified Automatic Control of Vehicular Systems With Reinforcement Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Unified Automatic Control of Vehicular Systems With Reinforcement Learning

This repo contains the code and model checkpoints for our IEEE T-ASE (presented at IROS 2022) paper Unified Automatic Control of Vehicular Systems with Reinforcement Learning. Videos of results can be found on our project website.

Relevant Links

You may find this project at: Project Website, IEEE Website, arXiv.

  title={Unified Automatic Control of Vehicular Systems With Reinforcement Learning},
  author={Yan, Zhongxia and Kreidieh, Abdul Rahman and Vinitsky, Eugene and Bayen, Alexandre M and Wu, Cathy},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering},


Clone this repo with

git clone https://github.com/mit-wu-lab/automatic_vehicular_control.git

Installation instructions are provided for MacOS and Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, and 18.04. For microscopic traffic simulations, we use the SUMO simulator with version 1.1.0 (which unfortunately is quite outdated by now); the same code may work on newer SUMO versions (we didn't test it). We require Python 3.8+.

  1. Run bash setup/setup_sumo_<os_version>.sh corresponding to your OS version to set up SUMO and add ~/sumo_binaries/bin to your SUMO_HOME and PATH environment variables. Try running sumo and sumo-gui (if you'd like to use GUI). Note that GUI probably does not work on servers and may only work on local computers. For Mac installation issues, please refer to setup/setup_issues_osx.md. Update: due to MacOS brew updates, it could be very difficult to install the correct versions of packages for SUMO 1.1.0 on MacOS, so Ubuntu is recommended; for MacOS, you may consider installing gdal with conda install -c conda-forge gdal=2.4.2 and download the ffmpeg=4.4.1 library files (within the tar.bz2) from conda-forge directly instead of trying to use brew.
  2. Note: the previous SUMO installation actually installs a SUMO version which does not support IDM with Gaussian noise. If you'd like to use Gaussian noise (which is what we use in the paper but does not significantly affect results), you can build the forked version of SUMO 1.1.0 at https://github.com/ZhongxiaYan/sumo.
  3. If needed, follow instructions here to install Miniconda, likely wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh followed by bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh.
  4. If desired, create and activate a new conda environment following these instructions.
  5. If needed, install PyTorch (1.7+) from pytorch.org.
  6. If needed, install missing Python dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt.

Install this repo with

pip install -e .

For all training and evaluation commands, model checkpoints, and evaluation results, download and unzip https://www.dropbox.com/s/l83qkw8qvimqg62/results.zip?dl=0 (file size of around 4G).

Set the environmental variables

# Code directory
export F=automatic_vehicular_control/automatic_vehicular_control

# Results directory extracted from the zip file
export R=results

Directory Structure

The code directory structure is

$F (automatic_vehicular_control)
 ├─ exp.py  # The base experiment class and helpers
 ├─ env.py  # The base environment class and helpers
 ├─ ut.py  # RL-related utility functions
 ├─ u.py  # General utility functions
 │  # Scenario specific experiment/environment classes
 └─ [ring, figure_eight, highway_bottleneck, highway_ramp, intersection].py

The results directory structure is

$R (results)
└─ [ring, figure_eight, highway_bottleneck, highway_ramp, intersection]
    ├─ plots  # Symbolic links to evaluations, organized for plotting
    │    │
    │    │  # Specific evaluation setting
    │    ├─ <e.g. Ours (DRL) horizontal_inflow=1000 vertical_inflow=1000>
    │    │    ├─ evaluation.csv  # Recorded stats
    │    │    ├─ trajectories.npz  # Recorded vehicle trajectories
    │    │    ├─ trajectories_agent.npz  # Recorded agent actions
    │    │    └─ trajectories.net.xml  # Recorded traffic network
    │    └─ ...
    ├─ baselines  # Evaluations of human driving baseline
    ├─ derived  # Evaluations of derived control policy
    │  # Checkpoints and evaluations of RL-based policy
    ├─ <e.g. multiflow16_av0.333_horizon2000>
    │    ├─ train_command.sh  # Training command for RL-based policies
    │    ├─ eval_commands.sh  # All evaluation commands
    │    ├─ config.yaml  # Recorded parameters
    │    ├─ models/*.pth  # Saved PyTorch model checkpoints
    │    ├─ train_results.csv  # Training statistics
    │    ├─ evaluations/*.csv  # Recorded evaluation statistics
    │    │
    │    │  # Recorded evaluation trajectories, agent actions, and traffic network
    │    └─ trajectories/*.[npz,xml]
    └─ ...

Note that the training and evaluation commands are included in the zipped results directory detailed above.

Training and Evaluation

Given any experiment directory $EXP_DIR in the zipped results directory, run the commands in $EXP_DIR/train_command.sh and $EXP_DIR/eval_commands.sh, for training and evaluation. Training uses around 45-48 parallel workers for rollout collection, which should be adjusted accordingly based on computational budget.

Note that Baseline and Derived are not learning-based, so there is no need to run training for them.