
This repository pulls national flow data from NWIS

Primary LanguageR


This repository pulls national flow data from NWIS. The pipeline pushes to a shared cache in an S3 bucket called ds-pipeline-national-flow-observations.

To run on Tallgrass or Yeti with Singularity:

These are exact commands for Yeti, Tallgrass may require small changes.

After cloning the repo, pull the docker image from code.chs.usgs.gov:

module load singularity/3.4.1
singularity pull --docker-login docker://code.chs.usgs.gov:5001/wma/wp/national-data-pulls:v0.0

Two Slurm scripts are included in this repo. If you want to run Rstudio to do development work, run sbatch launch_rstudio.slurm and then follow the instructions in the Slurm output file to make an SSH tunnel and log in to Rstudio via a browser.

To run the pipline as a non-interactive batch job, open run_scmake.slurm and modify parameters like job length (--time) and partition (-p) as needed for how long you expect the job to run (see this issue for estimates). Submit the job with sbatch --mail-user=$USER@usgs.gov run_scmake.slurm.