
Simple question and answer platform. Project for Ruby on Rails training.

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple question and answer platform. Project for Ruby on Rails training.

Ruby on Rails versions

  • Ruby 2.4.1

  • Rails 5.1.2

System dependencies

  • Postgresql

  • Nodejs




Create the database:

    $ rake db:create:all

Apply the database migrations:

    $ rake db:migrate

Apply migrations into test database:

    $ rake db:test:prepare

Open the configured database:

    $ rails db

Test suite:

  • RSpec

  • Capybara

Deployment instructions


Reference links

Steps used to generate the project

  1. Install Ruby:

  2. Install Rails:

     $ gem install rails
  3. Install Bundler (dependencies manager)

     $ gem install bundler
  4. Create the project

     $ rails new ask2rails -d postgresql -T -J


     -d : database (mysql, postgresql, sqlite3, oracle...)
     -T : skip test unit
     -J : skip javascript files (validations, etc)
  5. Configure and create database

  6. Configure Rspec

     $rails g rspec:install