- brew cask
- google-chrome
- firefox
- slack
- spectacle
- spotify
- dockutil
- used if you want to modify mac Dock from CLI. common command on new Mac's is to remove all items from dock
- mas
- https://github.com/mas-cli/mas
- a cli tool for install mac app store applications
- bitwarden
- better password manager then lastpass
- has dark theme
- is open-source
- ability to run server yourself in docker container
- Add CMD+L as lockscreen shortcut
- setup hotcorner screensaver + lockscreen?
- Preferances
- dont rearrance spaces based on most recent use
- Allow running apps from internet
- disable sound effects on boot
- Password after sleep or screensaver
- screenshots directory & auto save screenshots there
- perform search in current directory first by default
- disable warning when changing file extension
- avoid creating .DS_Store files on volumes or USB drives
- Apps
- Apple Mail
- Copy email address as foo@example.com instead of foo bar <foo@example.com>
- iterm2
- set status bar up
- change background
- change theme to minimal
- don't display prompt when quitting
- Activity Monitor
- Visualize CPU usage on dock icon
- Apple Mail
- Toolbar Menu
- Show battery percentage
- show volume bar
- brew cask
- Dark mode
- Background?
- the unarchiver
- xCode
- slack
- WhatsApp Desktop
- Microsoft Remote Desktop 10
- Telegram
Local Sys Admin
- Etcher
- for burning ISOs to USB drives
- Etcher
- .oh-my-zsh
- homebrew
- git
- vim
- ack
- nmap
- tmux
- htop
- wget
- jq
- xpath for JSON
- geoip
- used to get geographical location of an IP address
- good for security engineer
- brew cask
- iterm2
- gpg-suite
- generate GPG keys & upload to Github
- SSH Keys
General Coding
- brew cask
- sublime-text
- visual-studio-code
- atom
- sourcetree
- git gui
- postman
- brew cask
- docker for mac
- brew
- docker for mac
- oh-my-zsh plugins
- kubectl
- kubectx
- octant (local Web GUI for remote and local kubernetes clusters)
- awscli
- https://github.com/awslabs/git-secrets
- Terraform
- brew
- jenv (for managing jdk versions)
- sdkman
- for installing and managing jdk's, jvm's, java based sdks (kotlin, grails, gradle, etc...)
- jabba
- same as jenv. Lets you install multiple jdk versions through it instead of brew
- See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52524112/how-do-i-install-java-on-mac-osx-allowing-version-switching for comparision of jenv, sdkman, homebrew, brew cask, jabba
- maven
- brew cask
- oracle-jdk
- adoptopenjdk8
- brew
Support installation of drivers