
Adapter for Jasmine-to-WebDriverJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

jasminewd Build Status

Adapter for Jasmine-to-WebDriverJS. Used by Protractor.

Important: There are two active branches of jasminewd.

  • master is an adapter for Jasmine 1.3, and uses the package minijasminenode. It is published to npm as jasminewd.
  • jasminewd2 is an adapter for Jasmine 2.x, and uses the package jasmine. It is published to npm as jasminewd2.


  • Automatically makes tests asynchronously wait until the WebDriverJS control flow is empty.

  • If a done function is passed to the test, waits for both the control flow and until done is called.

  • Enhances expect so that it automatically unwraps promises before performing the assertion.


npm install jasminewd2


Assumes selenium-webdriver as a peer dependency.

// In your setup.
var JasmineRunner = require('jasmine');
var jrunner = new JasmineRunner();

global.driver = new webdriver.Builder().
    withCapabilities({browserName: 'chrome'}).

jrunner.projectBaseDir = '';

// In your tests

describe('tests with webdriver', function() {
  it('will wait until webdriver is done', function() {
    // This will be an asynchronous test. It will finish once webdriver has
    // loaded the page, found the element, and gotten its text.

    var myElement = driver.findElement(webdriver.By.id('hello'));

    // Here, expect understands that myElement.getText() is a promise,
    // and resolves it before asserting.
    expect(myElement.getText()).toEqual('hello world');