
Experiments in real estate

Primary LanguagePython

bonanza Description

Data experiments in real estate


  1. git clone the repo to your local filesystem.
  2. Create a virtualenv: mkvirtualenv bonanza
  3. Install the dependencies: $ python setup.py develop
  4. Now you're ready to configure Postgres and run the migrations

PostGIS and Alembic


$ sudo aptitude install postgresql
$ sudo aptitude install postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1` or latest version


Create database

$ sudo su - postrgres
$ createuser bonanza
$ createdb -O bonanza bonanza
$ psql bonanza
bonanza# create extension postgis;
bonanza# create extension postgis_topology;
bonanza# create extension fuzzystrmatch;
bonanza# create extension postgis_tiger_geocoder;

Run migrations

cd to the bonanza project directory (same directory as development.ini) Make sure you're working from the bonanza virtualenv: workon bonanza

Next, run the alembic migrations:

         $ cd ~/Projects/bonanza
         $ workon bonanza
(bonanza)$ alembic -c development.ini upgrade head